Saturday, June 6, 2009

Introduction to the Top Balcony

This is a close-up of my Drumstick Alliums that are mid-bloom right now. These two are about 3 feet tall. I planted these as bulbs at the end of fall last year. Currently, they are in bloom on both our front and back balconies, but I believe they are smaller out back since they are in a smaller pot and probably not getting as much sun. I can't wait until these open up completely and are full purple.
The four-leaf clover looking plant is made up of multiple bulbs called Shamrock Iron Cross. The little pink flowers from it are very cute and dainty and one of my favorite things about this plant. They typically only open when its cold outside. I'll try to get a close up of them to share. These bulbs are repeats from last year - I just replanted these about 3 inches deep at the end of April or so. I have extra bulbs if anyone wants some! They are very easy to grow and maintain, I promise.
Oh, and the pots below it in the picture with the dead stuff? Those are from my tulips and crocuses, early spring bulbs. Sadly with the random cold snaps and strange NC winter weather we had, only one of my tulips actually opened up this year but the blooms were such a tease. I plan to take these pots down, harvest and store the bulbs over the summer/fall, and then re-plant them in the winter. In the meantime, I could plant Dahlias or other bulbs I have sitting around to enjoy this summer.

This is a Cypress Vine. It is supposed to have red flowers, but for some reason the only ones I've seen so far are white - you can see a small white bloom on the center stake. Although you can't see it in this picture, there are teeny tiny little red blooms that should open up soon. These are said to attract Hummingbirds! I need to clean out and refill my feeders.

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