Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bouquet Inspiration

I found it, my new favorite bouquet, pehaps ever. I've never seen anything like this but I love it. Courtesy of Snippet & Ink, from the Sneak Peak of Anli & Kenneth's Wedding.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So much to do!

Okay so between a fabulous beach weekend over the 4th and staying busy at work I've been neglecting the good ol' blog. Here's what's going on in my own little wedding planning world.

Today we will meet with a potential videographer
I have my first dress appointment Tuesday (gasp!)
We need to schedule meetings with potential officiants

I have a couple of invitation books to go through to figure out what we like. We need to get serious about invites and Save the Dates if we are going to do them. Everyone keeps asking me if anything is new and I haven't really had much to say but hopefully there will be more substantial developments soon!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Need a Good Laugh?

Thanks to the lovely Megan's blog (Meg{Moir}) I found an awesome non-wedding related blog that made me literally LOL at my desk. You will giggle (at the least) at every post. The blog is called Stuff White People Like, and it is completely hilarious and very true, at least in my experience. So check it out here: and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making an Exit: Bubbles or Sparklers?

I'm waiting to hear back from the Social Director at Prestonwood as to what rules they have regarding the sendoff at the end of the reception, but in the meantime I'm contemplating whether we want to exit to bubbles or sparklers. I'm not afraid of sparklers at all so that won't be an issue for me, but I think that since our sendoff will be around 11pm that the sparklers would look better than the bubbles at night. I've found some pictures of both at Prestonwood to give you an idea of what it would look like.
(Image by Robin Lin at

(Image by Tamara Lackey at

(Image by Tamara Lackey at