Sunday, January 10, 2010


Why don't I ever believe someone who says that time will fly by? Or why don't I take them seriously? I'm amazed at how quickly life has been going lately, but luckily we have a lot to be thankful for so its times like these that I try to slow down.

January is an incredibly busy, yet PRODUCTIVE month for us. I've found that since I can't get away with as much wedding "research" at work anymore, that it has to be done at home. 

Here are my goals for the next few weeks (in no particular order in hindsight)
1. Book florist by second week of February
2. Order bridesmaids dresses by end of January (this means shop with Sarah/Jamie if necessary?)
3. Complete honeymoon research by end of February, booking if necessary
4. Finalize menu by second week of February, have invitation order placed in the next week
5. Begin super secret wedding gift project for Jake :)

I'll leave you with a picture from our mini-engagement shoot at the fair with Evoke in October

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